A case for livestreaming the recount

Dear Editor:
SINCE the 1980s the Open Concept has been the preferred choice for office layouts. This concept is preferred because it lends itself to improved communication amongst the workers, greater team work and enhanced supervision.

Along with those benefits, customers much prefer those types of offices. They prefer them as it gives them greater confidence in the workers that they are dealing with and they relish the fact that they can view their transactions as they are being dealt with. Banks, Insurance companies and generally every company that caters to the public utilise the Open Concept. Even some restaurants utilise this concept. When one visits government entities they generally are met with an open layout and you can view the staff as they go about their duties.

That’s why it was surprising to hear Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson using the excuse of protecting the GECOM staff as the reason for not wanting the recount to be livestreamed. The majority of persons who will be working during the recount are accustomed to working in full view of the public, so livestreaming would not bother them one bit. In fact, a majority of those workers would prefer the live stream as it would work as free advertisement for them to hundreds of potential employers who would be able to view their work ethic and their professionalism as they engage in the recount.

It is transparent however, why Patterson and the coalition are against the livestreaming of the recount as it would show the world the true winners of the elections, or expose those who would seek to corrupt the recount. I therefore implore the Chairperson of GECOM to acquiesce to the wishes of the majority of Guyanese and give us unfettered access to the recount.
Sherwyn Greaves

Source: https://issuu.com/guyanachroniclee-paper/docs/guyana_chronicle_epaper_05_04_2020

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