Allow the official process to be finished

Dear Editor, 

The Justice For All Party is one of the six parties in the coalition. 

We do believe in democracy and will not stand for misconduct by any party. is why we waited for the official count to be completed. It is absolutely essential that there be transparency in the process that GECOM is engaging in – a process that will finally determine the Pres­ident and leadership of this country. We have to respect the fact that a court order has been issued. We have to accept also that the court order empowers the RO to utilise a meth­odology of his choice. There seems to be widespread discontent and disapproval of what is being done correctly as guided by our CJ, it is blatant contempt for the rule of law and for the Chief Justice, Roxane George-Wiltshire. We the JFAP appeal passionate­ly to all involved, that we allow the legal understanding as sanctioned by our courts to be unhindered. In addition, there is also contempt for the leadership ofGECOM because it is headed by a woman. Sunday March 8 had marked International Women’s Day; a day put aside for the recognition of women, their abilities, their efforts, there strengths and necessary skills for the development of the world in which we live in. It would appear that, that day and its significance are lost on those who have in no way indicated the need to extend the necessary respect to the honor­able citizen Retired Chief Justice, Claudette Singh. We tl1erefore call upon a]I parties to allow the official process to be finished. We call upon the people to remain calm and await tl1e results. \Ve all should accept the results from GECOM as final.


Chaudranarinc Sharma 

Leader of TFAP
