APNU+AFC Government not in breach of any laws

Dear Editor,
The APNU+AFC Coalition Government is not in breach of any international laws or treaties nor has it engaged in any human rights violations. This Government has meticulously followed and continues to follow the constitution and laws of Guyana. The APNU+AFC Coalition Government is not in any contravention with any of the Laws of Guyana. Therefore, it is befuddling and surprising that the Secretary of State of the United States of America, Mr. Mike Pompeo, can announce to the world that the US intends to impose visa restrictions on individuals undermining democracy in Guyana, while urging President David A. Granger to step aside and respect the results of the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections.

Clearly, it appears that Secretary Pompeo was speaking from an uninformed position, as the results of the General and Regional Elections of March 2, 2020 have not yet been lawfully declared by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). Until a lawful declaration is made by GECOM, the APNU+AFC Coalition Government will remain the democratic Government in place in Guyana.

Guyana gained independence 54 years ago and became an independent nation with its own laws and sovereignty. The Constitution of Guyana is the supreme Law of the land. The Constitution of Guyana outlines in clear and simple language the role GECOM must play as the sole body in Guyana with the authority and responsibility to conduct elections in Guyana. GECOM has not yet lawfully declared the winner of Elections 2020, which means that, until that declaration has been made in keeping with the Constitution of Guyana, President David A. Granger and the APNU+AFC Coalition Government will remain in office.
President Granger has long stated that he and the APNU+AFC Coalition Government will abide by the Constitution, once GECOM makes a lawful and legal declaration of the March 2, 2020 Election Results.

As a citizen of Guyana, I take umbrage at the threats emanating from the US Secretary of State of visa restrictions for persons they deem as undermining democracy in Guyana, particularly when these threats are unfounded and baseless. Guyana remains a democratic country with its own rules and laws by which the Government governs itself. Perhaps Secretary Pompeo will do well to focus on the real pressing issues affecting the US, especially in this era of the COVID-19 global pandemic, and leave Guyana to sort out its own issues within the confines of the Laws of Guyana.

Yours faithfully,
Concerned Guyanese Citizen’

Source: https://issuu.com/guyanachroniclee-paper/docs/guyana_chronicle_epaper_07_17_2020