CEO’s report must reflect irregularities

–to do otherwise would be a miscarriage of Eustice, says APNU+AFC tabulation agent

As Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield pre parts to submit his report on the first phase of the National Recount of the Marth 2, 2020 National and Region­al Elections, the perception abroad is that all the anom­alies bigblighted during the course of the exercise will be taken on board

One proponent of the fore going position is Fornier Gu­ana Defence Force (GDF) Captain and APNU+AFC Candidate, Daniel Seeram, who said as much during a sit down on the Guyana Chronicle’s Vantage Point on Thursday to talk about a number of issues, inter alia the recently-concluded first phase of the Electoral Process. 

With CEO Lowenfield expected to present his report to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on or before June 13, 2020, Seerain said: 

“The CEO, in his wisdom, I don’t think if he’s doing a comprehensive report, has the right to leave out any of this information from his report, because this is information that would have been reported by his staff and documented in those observation reports. Each and every act that was recorded to have been commit­ted during the recount process would have to be put into that report, and placed before the Commission for deliberation.” 

Having served as a tabula­tion agent during the recount, Seeram was amongst those persons who listened to ev­ery single observation report and Statement of Recount (SOR) being read out loud as GECOM recorded the information daily. 

“We started to open the ballot boxes, and, at first, there were irregularities, and then we realised that Guyanese people were cheated,” he said, adding: “We started to see these irregularities move from just minor irregularities to statis­tical anomalies, and then they went from statistical anomalies to some huge discrepancies, which all graduated to the level of where we are right now, of systematic fraud.” 

In summary, the AP­NU+AFC has pinpointed some 7,929 instances of irreg­ularities, which they believe directly affects me validity of 257,173 votes. 

Those anomalies include counterfoils and ballots carrying the same nun1ber; bal­lots for one region being cast in another; ballots cast for the dead and persons who have migrated; persons voting without proper identification; persons voting out􀄨ide of their districts without employment documents; large numbers of improperly stan1ped !ballots at locations where disciplined services members voted; missing poll books a11d documents from one polling station being fow1d in the ballot boxes of another and a ballot boxes with no statutory documents. 

As a former high-ranking officer of the Army, Seeram said that members of the Disciplined Services have shared with him their concern about what took place with their ballots, which were amongst those that were improperly stamped. 

And, as it relates to the issue of those who were out of the jurisdiction on Election Day but yet voted, Seeram said: “We were asked by GECOM to supply the evidence for this; and we did. Over 90 per cent of that evidence came back approved and corrupt, and we’ re still awaiting GECOM to tell us about this evidence.” 

He believes that the number of irregularities that have been brought to light is enough to impact the outcome of the Elections, and therefore must be acted upon and taken seriously by the Commission re­sponsible for credible elections in Guyana 

He said that everyone present at the recount, including all Party representatives, as well as local and international observers, bore witness to the host of missing docun1ents or ballots affected by the act  or inaction of GECOM staff and no one can deny this. 

“We didn’t bring these issues up because we made them up in any way,” Seeram said. “These are issues that came directly from the ballot boxes; these are issues of great concern, and give great bearing upon tbt credibility of these elections, and the); have the utmost importance to be taken into consideration by GECOM when they deliberate, and then further decide on a declaration in the coming days. For someone to say that these Observation Reports are being made more than they are, that person is stilling their conscience, and ultimately doesn’t have the betterment of Guyana at heart”
