-says over 90,000 votes affected thus far
REVIEWI.NC tbc information coming out of98 more ballot boxes, the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) has stated that it has uncovered over 300 additional numerical anomalies.
Previously, the party stated that it had reviewed 699 of the ballot boxes during the recount process and found 1,602 numerical irregularities that amount to over 86,367 votes affected. As of May 26, 2020, it has now reviewed a total of 797 ballot boxes and found 1,937 numerical irregularities that amount to over 90,707 votes being affected.
The ballot boxes examined by the party’s agents during the ongoing recount process came from Regions One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Sb: and now Seven.
According to APNU+AFC, 1,261 persons voted in the place of migrants; 315 Certificates of Employment are missing; 284 poll books are missing; 143 persons, who had no form of identification, voted without taking an Oath of Identity; 138 missing Oaths of Identity; 40 persons voted in the place of dead persons; 40 unstamped ballots and seven missi11g Official List of Electors (OLEs). This amounts to a total of 1,937 numerical anomalies.
The party believes that this is “the clear intent of the PPP (the People’s Progressive Party/Civic) to commit voter fraud.” Just on Monday, APNU General-Secretary, Joseph Harmon iterated its calls for the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to state how and when it is going to address a number of unresolved issues coming out of the national recount process.
Since these irregularities were unveiled in the recount, Harmon said that several electors have expressed their “disgust and anger”.
“APNU and AFC made it pellucid that any recount would reveal significant irregularities committed by the PPP/C amounting to electoral fraud and that the results would put in1o serious doubt the fictitious statements presented by the PPP and shared with the international community … the question, however, needs to be asked of the Guyana Elections Commission, how and when are you going to address tl1e unresolved issues that are before the commission that have L been] unearthed,” he stated.
GECOM Public Relations Oficer (PRO), Yolanda Ward, last told the media on May 18 that the commission will have to investigate matters such as unstamped ballot papers to determine how it should proceed. However, the opposition believes that GECOM does not have the right conduct such investigations and this should be a matter for the courts.
As the recount progresses, Harmon said his party anticipates that more irregularities will be uncovered and APNU+AFC agents will continue to highlight such irregularities despite the position of some that they should not be highlighted.
Fie said that such irregularities, which the party sincerely believes will affect the outcome of the elections, cannot be ignored by the commission which has the duty to present Guyanese with a free, fair and credible elections process.
Source: https://issuu.com/guyanachroniclee-paper/docs/guyana_chronicle_epaper_27_05_2020