Dear Editor,
It is a fair conclusion to say that the entire country is currently in discussion pertaining to March 2020 Regional and General Elections and while most of the discussions are constructive in my view, we do have instances where sections of our society are partisan in their thinking.

My friends and I recently were examining the outburst of former Minister Dominic Gaskin and it was our collective view that he failed as a minister of the current Government and is looking for a happy ending.

Mr. Gaskin, an executive member of the Alliance For Change spent close to four years as the Minister of Business and we cannot find one reason to praise him for his duties during those years. Instead, we believe that he has recognised that he failed to stimulate the business arena of our country and did absolutely nothing to create new business ventures. He inherited a number of business ventures from the PPP/C and after four years, the projects remain the same and in some cases deteriorated. An example that quickly comes to mind is the Wakenaam and Leguan plantain chip factory.

When my friends and I considered this point we drew the conclusion that Mr. Gaskin maybe upset because he is not in the actual management team of the APNUAFC for Elections 2020, but maybe we are wrong, after all our discussions are often time over Vodka and Orange Juice.

Editor, with all joke and fun aside, this election is glazed with heavy fraud and no right minded Guyanese can want a declaration simply because it is far, far, far from credible. Guyanese people deserve credible results and Mr. Gaskin should give his view on the fraud that was unearthed at the recount exercise. Yes, Mingo did wrong but thanks to Mingo the world is now seeing where the actual fraud is and we need to fix it forthwith.
In conclusion, my friends and I believe that Mr. Gaskin is trying to come over as the decent

person in all of this. He wants the discussion to be shifted from his failure as a minister to his principles that is purporting to have but we will never forget that he was a failed Minister under the David Granger led Administration.

Martin King
Seeram RajPersaud
Harriram Lallbehary
