…over false claims of destroying documents
THE Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has slammed the authors of misinformation who alleged, on Wednesday, that the revenue authority was removing containers of confidential documents for destruction.
On Wednesday, the People’s Progressive Part/Civic shared, on its Facebook page, photos of a Cevon’s Waste Management truck entering and leaving the GRA. “Several private garbage disposal vehicles were in the Camp Street compound of the GRA where they were loaded with documents and taken to the Eccles dumpsite under escort by GRA ranks and off-loaded,” the party alleged.
However, in a release on Thursday, the GRA condemned the “malicious spreading of inaccurate and unfounded information” to large sections of the public during the current tense political climate.
The Revenue Authority said that Cevon’s Waste Management was there to collect what it always has — garbage — and there is nothing secretive or unusual about garbage collection.
“The Authority would like to categorically state that these statements are absolutely untrue. The GRA wishes to assure the general public that it did not dispose of any confidential documents and that all its records are intact and can withstand any scrutiny to attest to this fact. Additionally, there was no escort of the garbage trucks to the dump-site by staff,” the GRA stated, adding further:
“The disposal receptacles are permanent at the GRA Head office location, which houses a staff of over 600 persons, and over 1,000 taxpayers visit per day. The garbage trucks are called in to remove overflowing trash or builders waste. This is a weekly occurrence and Cevon’s Waste Disposal Services are contracted to carry out this service. With the recent construction work at the Authority, more waste material was being produced than usual.”
The Revenue authority stated further that the GRA does not choose the time of the arrival of the garbage trucks as this is within the discretion of the company. It also pointed out that when it comes to the destruction of confidential documents there is a clear process which is adhered to by the GRA.
“The Authority wishes to advise, disposal of confidential documents once they become statute-barred and other assets of value are done in accordance with the financial regulations, Laws administered by the GRA and the Auditor General. The standard procedure is for the Commissioner-General to notify the Office of the Auditor General for an audit of the disposal exercise and in all cases, the Auditor-General would then witness the disposal,” the release stated.
The Revenue Authority said that it views the peddling of such mis-information as a reckless and deliberate attempt to mislead through propaganda for self-serving purposes. It urged members of the public not to be manipulated by hearsay.
It stated: “The Authority is certainly not surprised at this level of mischievousness since numerous attempts have been made to do so in the past. It is therefore of no surprise that the disposal of garbage, a common bi-weekly practice, has suddenly gained notoriety.
However, most disappointing is the attempt to tarnish the good image of one of the Authority’s senior officers who have served the Authority with distinction. The GRA is asking such persons to cease and desist from making further factually untrue statements that play on people’s emotions to the detriment of Guyana. Ours is an Agency that prides itself in its integrity and our officers will not be distracted from its mandate to administer the country’s tax laws and regulations in a fair and consistent manner, regardless of political persuasions.”
Source: https://issuu.com/guyanachroniclee-paper/docs/guyana_chronicle_epaper_06_19_2020