Dear Editor
LET’s skip the niceties, I am in no mood for them, reason being the disrespect which you have meted out to our sovereign state, constitution, distinguished judges and people of this almost 215 000 Km2 of resource-rich land.
My first disappointment with Prime Minister Mia Mottley is her “who dare Lowenfield….” question. Well, let me tell you “who dare” Lowenfield, and the answer is the CONSTITUTION OF GUYANA “dared Lowenfield.” Take a read of the Representation of the People Act, article 96, which states: “The Chief Election Officer shall calculate the total number of valid votes of electors which have been cast for each list of candidates and thereupon shall ascertain the result of the election in accordance with sections 97 and 98. In addition, our learned judges of the Appeal Court of GUYANA, a sovereign state “dared Lowenfield” when they ruled that, “…more votes must mean more valid votes,” and the requirements of recount order 60 of 2020 stand as part of the process of determining the validity of such votes.
Secondly, I am offended by PM Mottley’s claim that valid votes were tabulated and certified by GECOM’s staff in the presence of agents of the various parties and hence all tabulated votes are valid. How dare you insult my intelligence with such sleight of hand. The facts are, that among the votes tabulated are to be found thousands which could not be verified by virtue of missing statutory documents. The fact that verification was not possible makes them not credible / of questionable validity. The agents of APNU+AFC therefore objected to these being referred to as total valid votes, hence their refusal to sign off on the regional tabulations. If you are unaware of such occurrence, as it would appear you are, it is because the CARICOM observers did a reasonably credible job of observing and reporting accurately their observations.
And finally, let’s talk about gamesmanship. This I find distasteful coming from the chairperson of our leading regional body which has for decades sat idly by and watched the Bharrat Jagdeo-led government of the People’s Progressive Party play games with the lives and freedom of ordinary Guyanese, many of whom they murdered and many of whom still remain unaccounted for, without uttering a syllable of condemnation. Gamesmanship, dear PM Mottley, is when you as chairperson emerged from under a rock to criticise the APNU+AFC for standing up for the Guyanese citizenry and insisting that only credible votes be counted, despite not saying anything when the clarion call was for a sanitised list before elections are held. Indeed, gamesmanship is when the recount of 18 percent of 2,339 ballot boxes are observed and a pronouncement is made by your representatives, presumably the best their small island states have to offer, that the elections were reasonably credible. I dare challenge them to say that they are reasonably proud of this failed effort to pull wool over the eyes of our people.
In closing, let me say unashamedly that I am a proud citizen of a sovereign Guyana, supportive of a President whose thrust is to ensure equality and fair access for all and I, like others, will not stand idly by and watch a group of reasonably credible foreign nationals conspire to remove him from office by fraudulent votes.
Kidackie Amsterdam