Dear Editor,
I’VE been watching the PPP’s attacks on the female head of GECOM, shortly after her appointment! I’ve written several letters to the press, prior to the elections, which highlighted this fact! I believe the objective of the PPP was to project Madame Justice Claudette Singh as incompetent and incapable of carrying out the functions of her office.
I exposed this plot a while now! However, the attacks were ramped up to the maximum last Thursday when the PPP and their friends invaded GECOM. The PPP hoped that by creating the chaos at GECOM’s office, last week, their narrative would be perfectly completed. So, they stormed GECOM’S office, kicked on the door of the chairperson, created a ruckus and some even made threatening remarks. Clearly, the chairperson’s security was compromised.
This is not normal behavior! This is not regular political protest! This was a continuing and elevated attack on a woman in authority! Earlier, I called out these attacks as sexist, as I have never seen such attacks perpetrated against any of the men who once chaired GECOM! I strongly denounce the PPP attack on Justice Claudette Singh and urge all right-thinking Guyanese to do so.
Where are the many women’s organisations! This is not a political issue, it is an issue of open bigotry and sexism! I am appalled that to date, there has not been sufficient forceful condemnation of the actions by those who continue to engage in these dastardly attacks that put the life of Justice Claudette Singh at risk! Where are the usually vociferous ones; PSC, ABC, etal! I am disgusted! We speak of equality and women’s rights but yet, watch in silence, or seem to be complicit as the hate and venom of some are unleashed against a woman! I don’t know Justice Claudette Singh, I’ve never met her but I feel compelled to speak up on her behalf.
I also call on the Ethnic Relations Commission to monitor the actions of the attackers, whose actions I deem highly intimidating. I applaud Justice Singh for her strength and fortitude, she refuses to bend to the pressures, insults and assault unleashed by men and their female gang members! This is a sad reality, a reality I have been pointing out for too long now! Last week it has come full circle! There has to be a more civil way to express disagreement! In 1997 when the said Justice Claudette Singh ruled in the elections petition and allowed the very PPP to remain in office after those elections were declared null and void, the PPP did not treat her this way. They were celebrating the fact that the “Doctrine of Necessity” was employed. What do they expect from Justice Singh today!
I pray good sense prevail.
Lurlene Nestor