Dear Editor,
I THANK you for the opportunity to make two points relating to the irresponsible, reckless, and dangerous behaviour of PPP bosses generally, and more specifically, its presidential candidate, that of the party’s general-secretary, and it’s chief legal adviser.
First, it appears obvious to me, based on the rhetoric and actions of PPP bosses, that the PPP is setting the stage and laying the foundation upon which that party may instigate social and political discord if the results of the elections on March 2 do not go in its favour. Of course, we are all well aware of the PPP’s modus operandi; if the PPP bosses cannot get their own way in Guyana, they would, without a second of thought, try to destroy the country, rather than move Guyana forward.
Editor, such an attitude, which is on open display, clearly demonstrates that the PPP bosses are unpatriotic, greedy, power-hungry, dishonest, and could not care less about the welfare of the Guyanese people, including the PPP’s own supporters. The general-secretary (who believes that he is a doctor) is on record as having declared that his party has won the March 2 elections, the presidential candidate (who also likes to call himself a doctor) has repeatedly iterated that same foolish position. Editor, as we are all aware, Guyana has a constitutional entity, GECOM, which is the only authority on earth empowered to make a declaration regarding results of elections. Of course, the general-secretary and presidential candidate are fully aware of that fact.
Following the PPP’s ridiculous announcement that the PPP has won the last elections, many of their supporters took to the streets, albeit in small groups, to euphorically celebrate the fiction being perpetrated by that party. One can imagine that the general-secretary and the presidential candidate may have sat in their respective mansions and laughed at the ease with which they could manipulate their gullible, and, perhaps, minimally educated support base. How they must have laughed.
Smarter Guyanese though, would know better. Smarter Guyanese would know that the PPP bosses are actively working to raise the expectations of their supporters, so that if the PPP does not win the elections, those who rejoiced following the party’s announcement of a win by the PPP bosses would be so incensed that the PPP bosses could easily use them, by appealing to their emotions, to cause social discord and instability. Because in the warped minds of the PPP bosses, if they cannot have control of the executive branch of government, nobody should. They would prefer that Guyana descend into a state of anarchy and destruction rather than concede. Such is the nature of evil minds and, we must not allow that to happen in our beautiful country.
Second, one notes that the general-secretary of the PPP struts around the country, his faithful presidential candidate in tow, lying to Guyanese by telling them that GECOM does not have the power to declare a vote invalid; of course, that is totally false.
The PPP bosses, having committed fraud at the March 2 elections, that fraud now having been revealed by the recount/audit process, a process which is still incomplete, know that it is quite likely that the PPP will not be declared the winner of the elections by GECOM, This is so because there is ample evidence of PPP fraud, and, as such, the Chair of the Commission has correctly decided to set aside votes which have been compromised by fraud and not count those fraudulent votes in a final determination. That alone sent the PPP bosses into a state of total panic. And being the disingenuous, dishonest people that they are, they have launched a campaign of verbal threats and physical intimidation against the Chair of GECOM. They have also unleashed a propaganda campaign to convince Guyanese that GECOM does not have the authority to declare a vote to be invalid. Editor, that is a brazen lie.
Editor, after the close of poll on elections day, the votes are counted at the place of poll. If a ballot does not conform to the rules, the presiding officer of that polling station has the authority to declare that the ballot in question is spoiled and will not be validated and considered in the final determination by GECOM. Editor, it is common sense: if a presiding officer, a person who controls a single place of poll has the power to set aside a vote, thereby declaring that vote to be invalid, how can one possibly say that the supreme body that governs the entire electoral process, does not have that power? Having paid attention to the processes regarding the March 2 elections, smart Guyanese need not be lawyers to see how foolish is the position of the PPP.
Further, Guyanese should take note of the fact that the PPP bosses are lying to them. The PPP bosses are insulting the intelligence of their own supporters, and the bosses are laughing at their own people, How saddening is that.
I urge my fellow Guyanese to let the PPP know that we are not fooled by their dishonesty and lies, and, that party, founded by the humble, genuinely caring man, Dr, Cheddi Jagan (and, yes, he was a real doctor) will one day get rid of the current crop of opportunists, liars, and fraudsters and once again be a political party worthy of the trust of the people, and capable of forming a legitimate government. Until such time, let us give the ordinary supporters of the PPP the time to reflect on what a once-great party has become, and let us give the PPP bosses the opportunity to examine and correct their shortcomings as they continue to occupy the seats in parliament assigned to the political opposition.
Mark DaCosta