The nation awaits a recount of Regions One to 10

Dear Editor:
ATTENTION is drawn to the letter of Charles Ramson, Commissioner of Information (Stabroek News 29th April- ‘Refusal of Chief Elections Officer to hand over SoPs is violation of law’). In that letter Ramson attempted an argument that the law requires of the Chief Elections Officer to release the Statements of Poll (SoPs) in his possession. What he failed to do is reference and quote the law (s) that so requires of this statutory officer and GECOM.

Absence of hard evidence feeds the perception that some are desirous of promoting a narrative not based on truth but bias, not wanting peaceful resolution but revelling in conflict. One would assume at Ramson’s level of public office he would recognise the responsibility to elevate public discourse and understanding based on facts and truth. Thus, he is being called on to provide the public with the specific law(s) to substantiate the claim he has made.

The above notwithstanding, at this stage of the electoral process, regardless of what some desire or think, we’ve passed the stage of the SoPs and about to conduct an exercise that will produce Statements of Recount. And whereas some see Region Four as the only district with controversy, it is inaccurate to state that there is nary a controversy in the other regions. It is a matter of public record, admitted by GECOM, that some regions where recounts were requested, such were denied, aborted or stalled. The party or group in those regions who had made this request and was unable to see the fruition of this exercise will now have the opportunity.

If we are to create a level playing field and foster an environment of equity and respect, the concerns of all are equally important and deserving of attention. Further, the ongoing penchant to attack Chairperson Justice Claudette Singh and some commissioners for things, including those contrived and particularly those conjured to create divisiveness, is an exercise in distraction. A new chapter has been opened and new opportunity presented to prove or disprove. Maturity must be displayed in grasping this opportunity and allowing it to work.

If there was anything within recent times that President David Granger and Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo could be credited for, it is the agreement they signed on 15th March to comply with the Constitution and Laws of Guyana guiding GECOM’s conduct and having a national recount. The nation awaits a recount of Regions One to 10 . GECOM, having put systems in place to proceed with a national recount, must be allowed to do its job without interference or subversion.

Lincoln Lewis
