These calls are bad examples

Dear Editor
THE Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (GCCI) recent call for the Guyana Elections Commission(GECOM) to declare the official results of the March 02, national and regional elections, without awaiting the hearing and result of the current judicial process about to engage the Guyana Court of Appeal, is another example of the frantic assault of regime change, co-conspired by both internal and external forces, against the coalition A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change(APNU+AFC) administration.

Editor, this is a continuing tragedy, which highlights trenchant disregard for the laws of Guyana, inclusive of the hallowed known due process being brutally trampled and torn up by the shameless political mercenaries, vile opportunists, and well-known political gangsters comprising the Nicholas Boyers et al, all part of the political opposition contrived conspiracy with its shameless anti-national perpetrators, brought into full culmination with the criminal springboard of the NCM. Leading into the national elections and the shocking abundance of fraud unearthed in opposition-controlled areas, displays a flagrant disregard for all facets of social morality which every society must have as its beacon for law and order and social stability.

If those whose daily forte of continuing this illegal appeal, believe that it will give strength and fortification to their demands, unlawful, then they should understand that their lawless behaviour releases destructive demons which will return to haunt this nation. For when such calls, which clearly points to disregarding the nation’s constitutional laws, it sends a negative message to mainstream society that are interpreted further, and replicated in so many other ways. Have we all forgotten about the descent into social behavioural anarchy, which bedevilled this nation with all the attendant ills of a bygone era and the damage which it still continue to cause this country, despite commendable efforts by the present administration to infuse a new understanding of morality, decency, and respect for our laws?
One must ponder, just how do these participants in what has now been established as an open assault on a duly elected government, using the fact of fatally flawed elections which have been proven fraudulent, to force regime change, believe such acts will hold for the future of this nation?

This, in any lawful jurisdiction, is unquestionably unlawful and places such a plot in the category of coups, attempted coups, etcetera. Do these people, hellishly frantic, understand that such examples are dangerous for the understanding of the state and its democratic organs and their processes, as to how the state should evolve for democracy? And that it has the inevitable effect of cascading to all reaches of society, thereby distorting the understanding of the legitimate purpose of governance and the genuine democratic process of transition? There is no question or doubt that such political gangsterism, will influence negatively the general social conduct of citizens. How then can they be blamed, when such is the milieu that is being proffered as regular, normal, and accepted by anti-nationalists who are in league with extra-sovereign forces to dismember their country – a fact that has now been exposed and known to all?

Earl Hamilton
