Dear Editor,
YOU have to remember that when foreign powers want you to act and think in a crrtain way that would bring justification to an action that they are already planning to make; they must make the person the bate, a villain. Civil war is bloodiest of all wars, because yon are fighting against your own people.
In every nation there is dissatisfaction and what the CIA does they go i:nto a country and move among the people that are dissatisfied to stimulate a revolt against a leader that they (America) do not like because they want regime change.
The congress on the United State of America voted to spend a hundred and fifty million dollars to replace the government in Iran that America did not like. The sent there agent in to work among_ the dissatisfy, so when they had their election and the people 111 Iran rose up, they have legitimate grievances but it way stimulate from the outside because it was America’s policy to destabilize their government.
In Libya they US spent millions of tax payer’s monies to arm the so called rebels. media reported that they (Libyans) were dissatisfied; the question is what were they dissatisfied about? They have jobs, they have food, and the government used the oil money to build Libya The oil money was also used to discover water under the desert . and brought that water to the surface and brought that water from Benghazi all the way to the border ofTa11Zania. The government imposed farming in the desert, so that they could feed their own people. Billions of dollars were spent on building homes and apartments for tl1eir own people.
Then it is easy to conclude that something is under this because when the America, Britain and France, three imperials powers wants to destabilize that country. Is it that America was so concern about the blood that way been shed in Libya? When they tum they turned their back when tl1e Israeli defence force bomb the innocent people of Gaza. They were murdered unarmed men, women and children. Where was the US in Rwanda, and in the Congo? The US when into Darfur because oil is there. The Libyans never wanted foreign occupations on the land. Muammaral Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein were all deactivated because of their oil resources.
Here a home in Guyana, I have noticed that the foreign observers have been making public statements in relations to our elections and they have been going about it, in an evidently bras manner which would indicate a particular propensity or favouritism towards one party. Photographic evidence obtained from credible media houses and on social and the electronic media which depicts members from foreign observers’ group, frequent engagement with one political part has given confirmation to this realism.
ft is important to note t:llat these observers are here as a result of our (the people of Guyana-led by the government) invitation to only observe the electoral process through a independent eye, rather than their brawl mg display of bashing the coalition ana on the other hand attempting to circumvent the glairing breaches of PPC.
In addendum to the foregoing, Guyana is a sovereign nation and these guests/ visitors (foreign observers) and or the diplomatic community do not have any constitutional power or authority whatsoever as 1t relates to Guyana and her affairs. I seriously believe that the foreign observers have compromised their little credibility ..
Guyana is not in a “process” like some other nations. Guyana is a Cooperative Republic and we are more than capable of conducting our own elections.
It is not the first time that we seen these precipitous actions by foreign observers, as Linden Forbes Sampson Burnhan1 so eloquentlv adumbrated, he said,” …… Enemiesof this country wouJd1ike to see racial division and antagonism continue they will not have that satisfaction … ……… It would appear that, the- would- be destroyers of this country have sought to convinced our Indian citizens that tl1ey have caused fear because of the removal of the former government. We can assure our lndian citizens, here and now, that rather than cause for, they-have much to hope for from the government …. this government , wiII not pursue policies likely to bring the races into collision. This government will maintain law and order. this government, while in office, will never declare its impotence to see that the lives and property and personal safety of any citizens are protected … ‘ He also stated that,” even though we need assistance we are not going to be the pupil to those who give us assistance …… ….. . to us that is the contradiction of independence …… “America., Britain or Canada must conduct themselves in a proper manner and subscribe to the rule of law while there are here as guests.
Dereplicate all that of has the been condemnation happening during Guyana’s elections debacle all of the condemnation seems to be headed one way. Not one single member of the international community or the foreign observers are making reference to what happened in the Berbice area or to PPPC operatives storming GECOM or not one of them is making reference to the PPPC operatives kicking down the chairman’s door.
Look at what the PPPC did to this country. Look at the legacy that they left for the coalition to inherit. The masacar Narco state, TIP, misappropriations of the nations resources and monies, Recism, violation of human rights, gun running and the list goes on. It is a shame for anyone to support such a bunch of thugs, let alone try to force them into government. the lawlessness, and the breakdown I societal moral fiber.
Never again will the people of Guyana allow a one party to govern this country. We are better together, one people one nation one destiny. Witl1 the coalition, everyone has a say in the national affair. This is what democracy is all about.
I would suggest that our people stand and reject the influence or stimulation of any foreign policy with is arm at creating unrest or attempts to install a puppet regime which ultimately gin them control of our oil affluence.
Michael Hercules