Who dem to condemn Mingo

Dear Editor, 

It is a Mount Everest type uphill task to get any level of understanding of those PPP dramatis personae, in their political nov11l of horror, deception and character assassination. It is for this reason that I have tried, for many moons I hasten to add, in desperate attempts at [Psychoanalysing their thought processes but must humiliatingly admit that my efforts have been nothing short of a colossal and dramatic failure. 

They have been shouting for all to hear that the Region 4, RO committed electoral fraud which based on their Freedom House Court’s consequential orders, precluded him from any active part in the recount. Then Sase Gunraj, their GECOM mouthpiece was given a golden opportunity by the Madam Chairwoman to settle the matter once and for all. Suited, booted and armed with ten of Jagdeo’s motions, thankfully not of the faecal type, he confidentially took the witness stand, in the GECOM commissioners meeting. Not dissimilar to a well-trained parrot, in full echolalic and robotics mode he repeated that Mingo should not be a part of the recount. The Madam Chairwoman, Ret Justice Singh politely requested of him to substantiate his assertion with supporting evidence. Under this gentle interrogation, me mediocre LLB wilted. Gunraj took the witness stand with no smoking gun. And even as I grappled with internalising this tum of event, I was concomitantly, for want of a better word, undertaking a personal resuscitation of my shocked psyche as I interrogated my cerebral matter of rationality, as to how al I this time these fatuous cretins were shouting and screaming, like a woman in labour, they could have been clueless to Mingo’s alleged crime and shockingly were devoid of any supporting evidence? Bewilder, bemused and baffled, I struggled to determine a motive and resorted to the local vernacular, to add clarity and dramatization, in articulating my abhorrence at their unforgivable acts. Like a performer on stage I questioned, who dem to condemn Mingo but condone Irfaan Ali’s 19 criminal charges and serious allegations of academic fraud? Who dem to condemn Mingo but condone Jagdeo under whose .Presidency the phantom squad murdered hundreds of innocent men Awhile Roger Khan trafficked, with impunity, tonnes of cocaine and guns from FARC while being protected by PPP? Who dem to condemn Mingo but condoned Dr. Ramsammy actions of acquiring Roger Khan’s spyware? Who dem to condemn Mingo but con­done Ronald Gajraj involvement in the deadly phantom squad? Who dem to say Mingo is not eligible for the recount but condones Irfaan Ali eligibility for the Presidency? Who dem? Who dem? 

And even as the electoral process continued its bumpy ride, the a5sociated events were making me more bewil­dered by the passing day. Enter Bruce Golding, the Head of the OAS observer mission to Guyana and next on the wit­ness stand to bamboozled the rational mind. As his job title suggests, his role was observatory but that either eluded him but more likely the page which defines observe was tom out of his dic­tionary. Clearly not wanting to abide by his observer ship status, he in true Bruce Lee fashion did a double sw11mersault and landed in PPP attack arena where he inserted himself with the political mob who was conducting a good 1960-type, Mingo lynching. In Shakespearean dramatization mode, he then ascended Freedom House roof top where he shouted, in full Shaolin attire, “Mingo murdered my uncle 50 years ago and today I am seeking revenge to ensure that he has no part in the recount.” His utterance was not only preposterous at best but also lacked substance or evi­dence, as we would expect from a PPP surrogate. Again like a performer on stage but much more distressed at this point I demanded to know who dem to condemn Mingo but condoned deadly drugs and arm trafficker Christopher Coke? Who dem to condemn Mingo when they did condone the actions of their government in obstructing Chris­topher Coke’s extradition to America for drugs and guns trafficking charges? Who dem to condemn Mingo but did condone the unnecessary deaths of 74 Tivoli residents after the Americans threatened sanctions if he continues to resist Coke’s extradition? Who dem to condemn Mingo but condoned criminality which resulted in him leaving office in disgrace? Who dem to condemn inno­cent Mingo to a life of no recow1t when they themselves had condoned deadly criminality and still demanding a right to observe elections internationally? Who dem? Who dem? Who dem? 

Then there Selwyn Pieters, another election observer who was given his election observer break with the OAS.

During his time as an election observer he unashamedly demonstrated his dis­regard for rules and established norms, as he broke all the rules as it pertains to the IUN Handbook On Elections Observer ship. The attorney was clearly partisan and he Haunted. He took smil­ing pictures with whoever in PPP he could have gotten his hands on. Said pictures were uploaded, witl1 much fan­fare to his Facebook account, for all to see that rules and norms don’t apply to him. He talked until his lips went white as he provided uninterrupted biased interviews to both Guyana Times and Newsroom, both PPP news outlets. He joined the PPP gang of Mingo bashing and in the process slandered the gentle­man on his Facebook page with impu­nity. In his jaundiced eyes, Mr. Mingo had 666 inscribed on his forehead which made him the worst thing that transpired during the elections. 

PPP terrorist invasion of GECOM with guns followed by the assaulting of the staff was child’s play to him com­pared to what Mingo alleged to have done. PPP terrorists kicking down the office door of the likely scared Madan1 Chairwoman, Ret Justice Claudette Singh isn’t worth mentioning on his Facebook wall of judgement. The PPP supporters who burned cane fields, burned properties and burn private cars were innocent protesters that he need not pass judgement on. The PPP protestors that attacked policemen and women were just exercising their rights to peaceful protest and deserved to be respected and supported as such. PPP protesters who dealt two policemen life threatening chops to their am1s resulting in compound fractures and hospitalisa­tion were the actions of innocent and innocuous protestors. 

PPP protestors who attacked the po­lice, who out of fear for their lives had to hide in a ditch, were simply offering the police a cup of bush tea and a cheese sandwich resulting in the police panick­ing. The PPP protesters who attacked a school bus transporting innocent kids, with many requiring hospital admis­sions, have a right to kill and maim as they wish, since we owe them our lives. 

Who really are these PPP Scribes and Pharisees? Who dem is Gerry Gouveia, another Mingo basher who acquired the Duke Lodge., under PPP at a way below market price?

Source: https://issuu.com/guyanachroniclee-paper/docs/guyana_chronicle_epaper_04_28_2020