Yes to a full recount! No to PPP’s bullyism!

IT IS difficult to remain quiet in the face of attempts at rank manipulation of the Guyanese people by the PPP. Why does the PPP continue to believe that Guyanese are dumb? Why do they continue to insult our intelligence? How can you present your party as a potential government while disregarding the basic tenets of civilised political behaviour? How can you declare yourself the winner of an election, the results of which you are challenging? It is obvious now that the PPP is bent on derailing the electoral process.

The recent decision by GECOM to pursue a recount, which was agreed to by the PPP, President Granger, and member parties of the ‘Coalition’ has brought this out into the open. The PPP agreed to a full recount of the votes cast, and to do so in chronological order, beginning with Region One. They told the world that they have nothing to hide, and that a full recount would vindicate them. The GECOM chair believed them; the courts believed them. Many prominent citizens believed them. Even though the legality of the recount may not hold sway in an exhaustive judicial review, many supported it, out of a desire to put the conflict over the elections result to rest.

But as soon as the court cleared the way for the recount, the PPP began to sing a different tune; it started to back-pedal on everything it agreed to. Suddenly, they only want to count the ballots in Region Four, and have asked for the boxes of the other regions to be excluded. This is nothing short of trickery. Why do they fear a full recount? One can only conclude that because the process in those regions have been so manipulated by the PPP, they fear that this would be exposed by a full and comprehensive recount.

The PPP has, therefore, decided to undermine the recount. They are trying to get GECOM to rush the process, as a means of hiding their deeds. But nothing short of a full and transparent count would suffice. If, as the PPP is claiming, democracy is at stake, then let the recount be a democratic exercise that zeroes in on every aspect of the election, from the voters list to the very end. A serious party cannot make the charge of rigging, and then turn its back on a full review of the election.

The PPP is playing games with Guyanese; they want to identify a stop sign along the way, and use that to conclude that the elections were rigged. And what is their evidence? It is a set of Statements of Poll which are in their possession. Since when the SOPs of one contestant becomes the proof of a fair election? But the PPP has sold that tainted narrative to its supporters, and to the international community. We should not sit idly by and allow these people to assault our intelligence. How can a party that cheated the Guyanese people for 23 years get to decide who are cheats? Since the PPP has put us on the path of a recount, then let’s recount everything in each box.

The PPP wants to remove some GECOM officials from the process, and replace them with their friends. Such absurdity should not even be considered. Does this country and its institutions belong to the imperial PPP? Are we now a monarchy, where one group of people sit atop a throne and dictate to the rest of us? No! We broke with that 50 years ago! Let the PPP know that Guyana belongs to all its peoples, regardless of political loyalties.
After GECOM’s CEO, Mr. Lowenfeild, produced the timeline to match the PPP’s commissioners’ request, they promptly disassociated themselves from it. They told the country that the CEO is a “mad-man”, who is intent on using delaying tactics to benefit the ‘Coalition’. It was left to Commissioner Alexander to tell the truth to the public. Maybe all those who rushed to condemn the CEO should now apologise to him. Why do we allow the PPP to constantly manipulate us in such a ridiculous manner?

This publication stands on the side of what is best for Guyana. If a recount is necessary, then it must be conducted by GECOM, without any undue interference. Our Appeal Court made it abundantly clear that GECOM’s powers cannot be outsourced or usurped. That is how it should be. The PPP is a contestant; it represents a substantial section of the electorate. But that does not mean that it holds veto powers over the rest of Guyana. As such, GECOM should not allow itself to be bullied by the PPP. Yes to a full recount! No to PPP’s bullyism and trickery!
